
Why did you make this site? Aren’t there enough listing sites?

Yeah, there are a ton of listing sites, but they are full of gigs and events for straight people… the normals. But they aren’t very helpful to us. We get a lot of people visiting from out of town at the Bloody Rose Boutique asking us what to do in Austin that’s away from the normals and not loaded with hipsters. They want to hang out at punk rock, goth or metal bars and clubs. They want to do ghost tours. They want to find spell-casting supplies, buy unique clothes and gift they can’t get at home. The same for us locals, So, we made this site.

Why is <some show/event> missing?

There a quite a few reasons why you might not see an event listed. Most likely, it’s possible we didn’t know about it to add to the calendar. We go through the event calendars and Facebook events of just about every venue in Austin each week and sometimes we miss a couple, or they don’t keep their calendars up-to-date. There are quite a few venues that shall remain nameless, that rely solely on the bands or event organizers to promote events, and don’t publish a calendar at all.

It’s also possible we just didn’t think a certain event or show was appropriate for the site. If it’s not related to punk, metal, goth, industrial, horror, kink, fetish, drag, pagan, witchcraft, paranormal, LGBTQ, sex-positive, or out-of-the-mainstream, we won’t cover it. If it’s something we don’t think our readers will like we won’t publish it. If it’s a band’s first gig, or if they suck, that gig won’t be listed here.

If it’s something we should know about then use the submission links to let us know.

Why isn’t <some national act> listed?

We try to keep the listings to the smaller national, regional, and local goth, punk, metal, hardcore, ska and similar non-mainstream bands. Sorry, but you are probably not going to see Korn, Alice in Chains, Blink-182, Green Day or Metallica listed here. Although, there may be exceptions. If the community is really excited about it then we’ll post it.

Where are all the Round Rock, Pflugerville, and Georgetown listings?

C’mon. Serioulsy? What’s the name of this site?

How do I get my event added?

If you want to contribute to the Darker Side of Austin, you can now submit an event for consideration. Click on the New User Registration link under Login/Logout in the menu to create an account and then you can start submitting events. All user accounts and events will be moderated. Only events in Austin will be considered.

If don’t want an account, then click on the “Suggest an Event” link and fill in the form. If we like it, we’ll post it.

How do I get a new shop, attraction, or place of interest added?

Click on the “Suggest a Place or Attraction” link and fill in the form. If we think it fits, we’ll post it.

Where can I get a “the Darker Side of Austin” sticker?

You can find our stickers at Bloody Rose Boutique, the Glass Coffin: Vampire Parlour, Secret Oktober, Curia Arcanam, and Kick Butt Coffee.